Vol. 8 (2019)
CONDIZIONI DI POSSIBILITÀ – Letteratura e cultura visuale, a cura di F. Fastelli

Un arcano simbolismo. La “Sibylla Palmifera” di D.G. Rossetti

Raffaella Bertazzoli
Università di Verona

Published 2020-12-30


  • “Double Work of Art”,
  • ékphrasis,
  • Guido Cavalcanti,
  • preraffaelliti,
  • Sibylla Palmifera/“Soul’s Beauty”


Dante Gabriel Rossetti, painter of the Pre-Raphaelite Circle, was active in two artistic fields, connecting poetry and painting. The sonnet “Soul’s Beauty” and the painting Sibylla Palmifera are examples of Rossetti’s aesthetic idea, defined by the critics as the “double work of art” formula. The sonnet responds to the technique of dynamic ékphrasis, transliterating concepts and interpreting symbols, according to the idea of Cavalcantian Love.


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