Vol. 13 No. 25 (2022): Oltre le sociologie. Dialoghi interdisciplinari su incertezza, rischio e vulnerabilità

Oltre la sociologia pubblica e di servizio. Per una sociologia trasformativa e di posizione

Fabio de Nardis
Università di Foggia
Anna Simone
Università degli Studi di Roma Tre

Published 2023-02-16


  • Positional sociology,
  • historical sociology,
  • historical materialism,
  • structural literature,
  • subaltern studies

How to Cite

de Nardis, F., & Simone, A. (2023). Oltre la sociologia pubblica e di servizio. Per una sociologia trasformativa e di posizione. SocietàMutamentoPolitica, 13(25), 161–174. https://doi.org/10.36253/smp-14262


This essay represents the first attempt to build the logical and epistemological foundations of Positional Sociology, i.e. a type of sociology that, by placing itself in the tradition of critical and public sociology, seeks to go beyond them by elaborating a new sociological practice that is both transformative and generative. To this end, the authors explain what is meant by positional sociology and then anchor it in the tradition of historical materialism and a Marxism freed from old ideological encrustations. The authors then attempt to combine the macro dimension, which is based on the analysis of historical and structural macro-processes, with the micro dimension and thus on the effects that certain major structural transformations have on the lives of subjects. The fundamental objective is thus to integrate the acquisitions of structuralist literature with post-structuralist sociological literature.


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