Vol. 9 (2021): The new centrality of mountains
In the background

Risalire: Dinamiche demografiche e tipologie del ritorno

Rossano Pazzagli
University of Molise, Department of Biosciences and territory
View from below of a mountain forest during 'foliage'; source: pxhere.com, CC0 1.0 Universal licence.

Published 2020-12-25


  • mountain,
  • demography,
  • economy,
  • agriculture,
  • school

How to Cite

Pazzagli, R. (2020). Risalire: Dinamiche demografiche e tipologie del ritorno. Scienze Del Territorio, 9. https://doi.org/10.13128/sdt-12409


The mountains, primary components of Italian inland areas, has been hit by a drift whose main effects have been depopulation, emigration, social and productive rarefaction, land abandonment, hydrogeological vulnerability and landscape changes. The article recalls the historical dimension of this process and wonders what is left up there, in the large rural area, full of woods, pastures and villages. Not nothingness, nor emptiness, but a set of resources the central areas lack. The article is also an invitation to build a map of the best practices and of the return experiences, within a perspective of changing the economic, social and even cultural model.


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