Vol. 72 No. 2 (2017)
Saggi e Ricerche

Impact of mergers and acquisitions on the performance of the sugar and alcohol industry in Brazil

Paulo Henrique de Lima Siqueira
Department of Administrative and Accounting Sciences at Federal University of São João del Rei
Pery Francisco Assis Shikida
State University of West of Paraná (UNIOESTE)
Bárbara Françoise Cardoso
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) at Fiasul Yarn Cotton Industry

Published 2018-02-14


  • mergers,
  • acquisitions,
  • sugar and alcohol industry,
  • performance

How to Cite

de Lima Siqueira, P. H., Assis Shikida, P. F., & Cardoso, B. F. (2018). Impact of mergers and acquisitions on the performance of the sugar and alcohol industry in Brazil. Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA), 72(2), 151–171. https://doi.org/10.13128/REA-22659


The aim of this paper is to verify how mergers and acquisitions occurred in the sugar and alcohol industry since 2007, identifying the reasons that may have generated financial difficulties for some of the traditional companies and large national and foreign groups, and how these transactions have behaved in the last years. It was noted that from 2007 to 2013 many groups bought many traditional industrial plants in the sugar and alcohol sector, which were experiencing financial difficulties, mainly due to the international financial crisis of 2008. From 2013, many of these large buyer groups did not have the expected return and have been experiencing the same difficulties as traditional groups, and have been acquired by others more discerning groups in their choices.


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