Vol. 74 No. 3 (2019)
Short Notes

Communication strategies in rural development policies. Some implications for evaluation

Valentina Carta
CREA - Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy
Francesco Licciardo
CREA - Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy

Published 2019-12-28


  • sviluppo rurale,
  • informazione e pubblicità,
  • valutazione partecipata,
  • comunicazione pubblica,
  • fondi strutturali e di investimento europei

How to Cite

Carta, V., & Licciardo, F. (2019). Communication strategies in rural development policies. Some implications for evaluation. Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA), 74(3), 53–66. https://doi.org/10.13128/rea-11212


Communication is taking on a growing role in European Union policies, especially considering the need to boost transparency and accountability of Operational Programmes. Therefore, the assessment of communication activities has a crucial role in evaluation processes. However, in the last decade few specific evaluations have been carried out in Italian Rural Development Programmes, mostly using desk analysis, customer satisfaction surveys and output indicators. The aim of this study is to review 2007-2013 assessment of communication activities in Italian and European Structural and Investment Funds and to analyse 2014-2020 Italian Communication Plans, to provide useful insights for current evaluations. The analysis suggested the importance of using mixed methods and participatory approaches.


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