Vol. 123, No. 1 (Supplement) 2018
Supplement abstract

My-AHA: my Active and Healthy Ageing

Alessandro Vercelli
Università di Torino, Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi, Orbassano (TO) Italia
Innocenzo Rainero
Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Torino, Italia

Published 2018-12-30

How to Cite

Vercelli, A., & Rainero, I. (2018). My-AHA: my Active and Healthy Ageing. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, 123(1), 224. https://doi.org/10.13128/ijae-11553


Stemming from a holistic view of interrelated frailties, cognitive decline, physical frailty, depression and anxiety, social isolation and poor sleep quality, My-AHA proposes an ICT plat- form for early detection of pre-frailty and intervention to sustain active and healthy ageing and slowing or reversing further decline.

The main aim of My-AHA is to reduce frailty risk by improving physical activity and cog- nitive function, psychological state, social resources, nutrition, sleep and overall well-being in older adults with pre-frailty symptoms. It will empower older citizens to better manage their own health, providing new ways of health monitoring and disease prevention through individ- ualized profiling and personalized recommendations, feedback and support. An ICT-based plat- form will detect defined risks in the frailty domains early and accurately via non-stigmatising embedded sensors and data readily available in the daily living environment of older adults. When risk is detected (pre-frail), My-AHA will provide targeted ICT-based interventions. These interventions will follow an integrated approach to motivate users to participate in physical exercise, cognitively stimulating games and social networking to achieve long-term behavioural change, sustained by continued end user engagement with My-AHA. A randomized controlled study (RCT), involving 300 subjects receiving intervention, and 300 controls from many EU and non EU countries, to evaluate intercultural aspects, is ongoing in order to evaluate efficacy of the my-AHA platform. The ultimate aim is to deliver significant innovation in the area of active and healthy ageing through cooperation between European health care organizations, SMEs, and NGOs.

My Active and Healthy Ageing is supported by the European Union with a Horizon 2020 (PHC-21-2015) grant, Contract # 689592.


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