Anno XIV / n.s. 4 – 2017
Documenti e testimonianze

«La nostra Compagnia sarà la più eccellente d’Italia». Un documento inedito sullo stato dell’arte attorica nell’Italia di fine Settecento

Pubblicato 2018-11-06

Parole chiave

  • History of Theater,
  • History of Actors,
  • Spectacular Italian centers (Parma

Come citare

Scannapieco, A. (2018). «La nostra Compagnia sarà la più eccellente d’Italia». Un documento inedito sullo stato dell’arte attorica nell’Italia di fine Settecento. Drammaturgia, 14(4), 151–201.


This extensive essay revolves around some unpublished documents about the ambitious and pioneering attempt to establish a permanent company in the ‘enlightened’ duchy of Parma (1770-1771). What emerges is an original cross-section of the Italian theatrical life in the second half of the 18th century that highlights the ins and outs, the relationship between politics and theatre, the most outstanding companies of the time, the rules of engagement, the profiles of actors and actresses – already established or in training – for the first time described above rhetoric and anecdotal tendencies.


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