Anno XII / n.s. 2 – 2015
Indizi di percorso e progetti

Le regie goldoniane di Renato Simoni (1936-1947)

Pubblicato 2016-06-06

Parole chiave

  • Renato Simoni,
  • Carlo Goldoni,
  • Direction,
  • Theater Festival

Come citare

Gjata, A. (2016). Le regie goldoniane di Renato Simoni (1936-1947). Drammaturgia, 12(2), 291–308.


The study aims to reconstruct Renato Simoni’s stage directing investigated through the analysis of the outdoor Goldonian performances set up for the Festival of Venice in the years 1936-1947. These exceptional events employed top level dramatic artists. Simoni was one of the first directors who responsibly exercises his professional function, a profession that struggled to settle in the national theater system. His directing, built on an idea centred on the text, according to Silvio d’Amico’s teaching, is based on a very accurate playwriting, that aims to revalue the Italian drama in its best acting tradition. Simoni never reached a tradition-breaking linguistic innovation, but achieved the connection between the word and the image, that will be a cornerstone of the critical stage directing after World War II.


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