Anno XII / n.s. 2 – 2015
Ricerche in corso

Carlotta Marchionni

Pubblicato 2016-06-06

Parole chiave

  • Biography,
  • Actresses,
  • Repertory

Come citare

Simoncini, F., & Tacchi, A. (2016). Carlotta Marchionni. Drammaturgia, 12(2), 201–222.


Born into an acting family, she began her career in companies in Tuscany. She gained her first leading actress role in 1811 in the troupe run by her mother, Elisabetta, and by Antonio Belloni, Carlo Calamari and Ferdinando Meraviglia. In 1823 she became the leading actress of the Compagnia Reale Sarda (The Royal Sardinian Company). It is her ability to harmonise her craft, her business sense and the new theories on acting which creates the quality that leads her to achieve a prime position in the history of Italian theatre.


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