Anno XII / n.s. 2 – 2015

Drammaturgia di macchine nel teatro granducale fiorentino. Il teatro degli Uffizi da Buontalenti ai Parigi

Pubblicato 2016-06-06

Parole chiave

  • Dramaturgy,
  • Machinery

Come citare

Mamone, S. (2016). Drammaturgia di macchine nel teatro granducale fiorentino. Il teatro degli Uffizi da Buontalenti ai Parigi. Drammaturgia, 12(2), 17–43.


The essay covers the great Florentine representations of XVIth and XVIIth century, finding a common denominator (beyond the self-celebratory value) in the ‘virtuosity’ of the machinery, which soon exceeds the textual dramaturgy. This one, in fact, serves a peculiar ‘dramaturgy of the machines’, which become mythopoetic, bending the poetic invention to their own needs. Through a precise and detailed series of comparisons between the various episodes, here the history of the Medici’s spectacle is examined following a possible craft and engineering interpretation, precisely showing how the reutilization of the technological heritage conditioned the entirety of the spectacle.


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