Anno XX / n.s. 10 – 2023
Ricerche in corso

Eduardo Scarpetta

Pubblicato 2023-12-22

Parole chiave

  • biography,
  • actors,
  • repertory,
  • performance

Come citare

Innamorati, I. (2023). Eduardo Scarpetta. Drammaturgia, 20(10), 255–282.


Neapolitan comic actor and prolific author, he was famous with the name of Felice Sciosciammocca. He gained fame as a theatrical reformer for removing traditional masks. He is an essential, sometimes conflicting, reference point in the theatrical formation of his legitimate and illegitimate children: Domenico, Vincenzo, and Maria Scarpetta, as well as Titina, Eduardo, and Peppino De Filippo.


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