Ricerche in corso
Pubblicato 2022-12-15
Parole chiave
- biography,
- actors,
- repertory,
- performance
Come citare
Cambiaghi, G. (2022). Amerigo Guasti (Firenze, 31 marzo 1870 (?)-Busto Arsizio, 15 marzo 1926). Drammaturgia, 19(9), 201–223. https://doi.org/10.36253/dramma-14138
Trained at the acting school of Luigi Rasi in Florence, Amerigo Guasti affirmed himself as appreciated Brillante between 19th and 20th century. As well as being a good interpreter, he is a skilled ‘Capocomico’ and director of his own companies. Since 1906 he establishes a permanent collaboration with Dina Galli. He is also a translator and author of dramatic texts, newspaper articles and an autobiographical book.
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