Anno XIX / n.s. 9 – 2022
Ricerche in corso

Dina Galli (Milano, 6 dicembre 1877-Roma, 4 marzo 1951)

Pubblicato 2022-12-15

Parole chiave

  • biography,
  • actors,
  • repertory,
  • performance

Come citare

Agostini, E. (2022). Dina Galli (Milano, 6 dicembre 1877-Roma, 4 marzo 1951). Drammaturgia, 19(9), 153–168.


Trained in the great family of Edoardo Ferravilla’s Milanese dialect companies, in early twentieth century Dina Galli becomes one of the greatest comic actresses of Italian scene. She plays with great contemporary actors such as Virgilio Talli and Antonio Gandusio and she explores all the expressive languages of performance: theater, radio and cinema.


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