Anno XVI / n.s. 6 – 2019
Ricerche in corso

Paolo Stoppa

Pubblicato 2020-12-20

Parole chiave

  • Biography,
  • Actors,
  • Repertory,
  • Performance

Come citare

Spinelli, L. (2020). Paolo Stoppa. Drammaturgia, 16(6), 215–242.


Paolo Stoppa was one of the most complete and representative actors of Italian 20th century theatre, able to combine the personality of the ‘mattatore’ with the rigour required by modern theatrical direction. His collaboration with Luchino Visconti and Rina Morelli defines one of the most intense moments in the history of Italian theatre. Active in the cinematic scene for over half a century and partaking in nearly two hundred films, from the mid-Sixties he gave a decisive impulse to the development of the budding consumer show business.


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