About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The theatre is always the result of a collaborative elaboration and the text is located in a fluid area, contaminated by many contributions. "Drammaturgia" aims to be a meeting point for researchers to put into practice different forms of dramaturgical writing and the place where to verify the multiform nature of writing for the show: a complex discipline, made up of theoretical and practical elements common to different genres. The journal is placed in a rigorous scientific context, but also aims to achieve a wider audience of readers.

Peer Review Process 

Submissions are first evaluated by the Editors / Board of Directors and by the members of the Editorial Boards within four weeks. If the manuscript is considered suitable for publication, it is sent to at least two reviewers. The peer review process is double-blind, whereby both referees and authors are kept anonymous. Referees are asked to evaluate the manuscript within three weeks. If the reviews are positive, but the manuscript requires to be revised and resubmitted, the author is expected to submit the revised version in three weeksPublication decisions by the Editors / Board of Directors are final.

(APC) Article Processing Charges 
Drammaturgia does not ask for articles and submissions processing charges APC.
Publication Frequency
Drammaturgia is published one time per year
Indexing and abstracting