Published 2018-11-14
- Migration,
- trans-local,
- places,
- Ostia
How to Cite
Giangrande, F. (2018). Per una geografia translocale. La mesopoli del delta del Nilo. Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti, (1-2), 88–107.
This contribution focuses on methodology and first results of a research aimed at clarify the way in which migrants are actors in the process of social production of territories by implementing socio-spatial practices that transform the contexts of origin/ arrival. Through the use of mobile methods, a multi-sited ethnography was conducted on the Egyptian community from Kafr Kela al-Bab (Nile Delta) towards Ostia (Rome), with the aim of shed light on the rurban evolution of the Nile Delta mesopolis and promotes, within the framework of urban policies, the translocal approach, considering mobility and permanence as two synergistic categories for territorial development.Downloads
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