No. 2 (2022): Preventive urbanism. Researches and Practices for Healthier Cities

Microforeste eco-pedagogiche Una risposta green, locale e multistakeholder alle sfide climatiche e non

Fabiola Fratini
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Edile e Ambientale, Sapienza Università di Roma

Published 2022-12-31


  • climate changes,
  • nature-based solutions,
  • ecosystem services,
  • participation,
  • citizen science

How to Cite

Fratini, F. (2022). Microforeste eco-pedagogiche Una risposta green, locale e multistakeholder alle sfide climatiche e non. Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti, (2), 113–128. Retrieved from


The paper illustrates the Costellazione Microforeste Roma research, focused on the way to diffuse an innovative urban forestation form in order to spread nature even in the most mineral neighborhoods of the city. This innovative approach stems from Akira Miyawaki forestation methodology and Shubendu Sharma experimental work to thrive native forests in small spaces (150-200 m2), realizing the Tiny Forest prototype. The European versions of the Tiny Forest demonstrate that this patch of nature is able to release ecosystem services and therefore to increase the quality of local environment and people well-being; it helps healthy and resilient communities thrive and educate a generation of nature restorers, thanks to the participation of schoolchildren (IVN). From these premises, a process still in-progress is implemented, aimed at diffusing microforests in the municipalities of Rome within a multilevel governance framework. The first step towards the realization is the Tiny Forest of San Lorenzo (Municipality II) implemented with the participation of the Scuola Borsi community.


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