No. 2 (2022): Preventive urbanism. Researches and Practices for Healthier Cities

Post-pandemic urbanism Che progetto oltre la crisi?

Luis Martin Sanchez
Politecnico di Torino – Dist Università degli Studi di Torino – Esomas

Published 2022-12-31


  • urban project,
  • post-pandemic city,
  • cure of the world,
  • state of crisis

How to Cite

Sanchez, L. M. . (2022). Post-pandemic urbanism Che progetto oltre la crisi?. Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti, (2), 29–40. Retrieved from


The pervasiveness of the state of crisis we have been in for years, aggravated by the effects of the pandemic crisis that began in 2020, poses numerous questions to the disciplines that are concerned with urban and territorial planning that have to do with the vulnerability of our bodies, our being together, and the precariousness of our being on earth. These disciplines have, now more than ever, the responsibility to provide answers to these situations that prefigure apocalyptic and dystopian scenarios, through a radical and foundational project. This paper attempts to critically revisit some of the urban issues that the pandemic crisis has brought to the surface by retracing four classic themes of urbanism: housing, protection, production, and being together. It does so through a re-reading of some disciplinary reflections, research and projects that have emerged in recent years. From this re-reading some questions emerge that in my opinion can contribute to the construction of policies and projects (at a time when important public funding is coming to Italy) that put at the center a radical project for the “care of the world.”


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