V. 8 N. 8 (2018): Daredevils of History? Resilience in Armenia and Ireland

From High Hopes of the Celtic Twilight to Last Hurrahs in Inter-war Warsaw: The Plays of Casimir Dunin-Markievicz

Barry Keane
Laboratorio editoriale OA / Dip. LILSI

Pubblicato 2018-06-13

Come citare

Keane, B. (2018). From High Hopes of the Celtic Twilight to Last Hurrahs in Inter-war Warsaw: The Plays of Casimir Dunin-Markievicz. Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 8(8), 407–415. https://doi.org/10.13128/SIJIS-2239-3978-23385


Recent reassessments have done much to show that Casimir Markievicz’s cultural activism in Ireland made unique contributions to its renascent cultural nationalism: his portraiture recorded key moments and personages of the age; whereas his role as a dramatist and theatrical impresario in thrall to Shaw, theatrical naturalism and social engagement represented a supplementation of the Celtic Literary Revival. As a further contribution to what is a growing awareness of the importance of Markievicz as a historical, artistic and literary figure, this article will seek to show that, following the breakdown of his marriage and his return to Poland in 1913, Markievicz would also play a meaningful if short-lived role in the emerging modernity of Warsaw’s post-war theatrical world. It will also look to assess why his career foundered, with consequences for his own literary legacy here in Poland.


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