V. 8 N. 8 (2018): Daredevils of History? Resilience in Armenia and Ireland
Sezione monografica / Monographic Section

“A Nation Once Again?” Continuità e discontinuità nel nazionalismo irlandese

Carlo Pellizzi
Laboratorio editoriale OA / Dip. LILSI

Pubblicato 2018-06-13

Come citare

Pellizzi, C. (2018). “A Nation Once Again?” Continuità e discontinuità nel nazionalismo irlandese. Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 8(8), 19–68. https://doi.org/10.13128/SIJIS-2239-3978-23310


This essay is a brief overview of the different forms of Irish nationalism (or of nationalism in Ireland), from the Anglo-Norman invasion to the 20th century; from Gaelic proto-nationalism as a reaction to the first Angevin conquest, to the gradual affirmation of a powerful religious element during the Tudor re-conquest and the fast reformulation of identities in the conflicts of the 17th century; from the ironic Protestant colonists’ “Ascendency nationalism”in the 18th century, to the birth of the first form of post-French Revolution, post-Enlightenment modern democratic Republicanism at the end of that century; from the subsequent rise of a new but old constitutional brand to the different epiphanies of those two strands in the following decades, with Unionism as a third possible form. The continuity and discontinuity of the two main “currents” are considered, showing that there was always a continuum between the two.


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