V. 2 N. 2 (2012): W.B. Yeats: Visions, Revisions, New Visions, edited by Arianna Antonielli and Fiorenzo Fantaccini
Letteratura, linguistica e arti visive / Literature, Language, and Visual Arts

La comunità irlandese a Roma, 1377-1870 Il case-study storiografico

Pubblicato 2013-03-07

Come citare

Binasco, M. (2013). La comunità irlandese a Roma, 1377-1870 Il case-study storiografico. Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 2(2), 353–372. https://doi.org/10.13128/SIJIS-2239-3978-12431


The aim of this essay is to provide a historiographical overview of the Irish community in Rome throughout a period which goes from the Middle Ages until the second half of the nineteenth century. More precisely the period examined goes from 1377, the year of the Papacy’s return from the Avignon exile, until 1870, when the city was annexed to the kingdom of Italy. Given the long period examined, this article does not provide a comprehensive picture and, consequently, should be seen as a work in progress which will be revised and improved thanks to further archival and bibliographical research.


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