V. 10 N. 10 (2020): Minorities in/and Ireland
Sezione monografica / Monographic Section

Disability Theatre in Ireland: A Development

Monica Randaccio
University of Trieste

Pubblicato 2020-06-10

Parole chiave

  • disability theatre,
  • early disability theatre in Ireland,
  • minority model,
  • new policies and contemporary disability theatre,
  • social constructed model

Come citare

Randaccio, M. (2020). Disability Theatre in Ireland: A Development. Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 10(10), 153–164. https://doi.org/10.13128/SIJIS-2239-3978-11758


The aim of this paper is to trace recent developments in Irish disability theatre, primarily in the light of the theoretical debate that envisions disability theatre at the interdisciplinary crossroads of disability studies and performance studies. I will describe how disability theatre in Ireland was portrayed in Face On: Disability Arts in Ireland and Beyond (2007) edited by Katie O’Reilly. In particular, many contributors lament the backwardness of disability theatre in Ireland. In 2012, however, the Irish Arts Council revised and formalised its previous policy, which had been ineffective in supporting artists and audiences with disabilities. In conjunction with Arts and Disability Ireland, their strategic plans brought forth significant changes in Irish disability theatre.


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