Vol. 11 (2022)
Studi e Saggi

L'islamofobia nella letteratura della postmigrazione in Norvegia

Edoardo Checcucci
Università di Trento

Published 2022-12-23


  • Islamophobia,
  • Postmigration Literature,
  • Norway,
  • Discrimination,
  • Self-representation


In contemporary European societies, which for decades have been going through a process of redefinition as a result of migratory phenomena, Islamophobia is certainly one of the conflicts that must be discussed and tackled. The Norwegian postmigration literature, which portrays the life of the “second generation”, provides interesting insights into this problem. If on the one hand there are many cases showing that Islamophobia negatively affects the lives of young Muslims, on the other they express the desire to talk about themselves and to be recognized as full-fledged Norwegian citizens.


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