Published 2024-07-23
- care,
- social reproduction,
- feminist ethics,
- democratization
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sara Fariello, Irene Strazzeri

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
“Taking care” involves a politics of relationships. Care has both a subjective and a relational dimension: starting from subjectivity, everyone opens up to vulnerability, dependence, fragility. Care is above all a practical path of spillage from the self and return to the self, enriched by the experience of the other. This paper proposes a reflection that starts from the founding myth of the essentiality of care and crosses the feminist critique of essentialism and the dialectical tension between mysticism and de-valuation. Focusing on the analysis provided by the so-called second school of ethics of care, it wants to reflect on the current possibility of making care a political paradigm for change and democratization of relationships and society.
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