Vol. 14 No. 28 (2023): World Complexity and Global System

Le due vie weberiane del patrimonialismo. Potere personale e reti politiche

Published 2023-12-23


  • personal power,
  • patrimonialism,
  • clientelism

How to Cite

Brancaccio, L. (2023). Le due vie weberiane del patrimonialismo. Potere personale e reti politiche. SocietàMutamentoPolitica, 14(28), 171–182. https://doi.org/10.36253/smp-15023


Weberian categories provide a wide array of tools for understanding the phenomenon of political clientelism. They are useful not only for classifying forms, behaviors, and relationships, but also, from a diachronic and processual perspective, for comprehending the transformations affecting personalistic systems. Starting with the distinction between bureaucratic neo-patrimonialism and ceto-patrimonialism, this essay presents some theories and interpretative models that are useful for investigating even the more recent forms in which monocratic-type of personal power and political networks based on circuits of resource exchange are manifested.


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