Vol. 12 No. 24 (2021): Le emozioni come oggetti sociali. Prospettive interdisciplinari

Una giornata particolare. Un’analisi sulla costruzione sociale delle emozioni

Published 2021-11-16


  • Sociology of emotions,
  • social construction of emotions,
  • display rules,
  • Una giornata particolare,
  • Ettore Scola

How to Cite

Cerulo, M. (2021). Una giornata particolare. Un’analisi sulla costruzione sociale delle emozioni. SocietàMutamentoPolitica, 12(24), 73–81. https://doi.org/10.36253/smp-13225


The article proposed in this monographic issue aims to reflect on the process defined as “social construction of emotions”: the possibility of modifying the emotional expressions and the feelings based on the context, the beliefs, the social and the cultural rules that characterize the environment in which we live and act. The sociological analysis will be produced by examining the feature film A particular day (directed by Ettore Scola). It is a sociological work characteristic of the sociology of emotions: the analysis of a media text (filmic, in this case) to critically explain a social process.


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