Vol. 3 No. 5 (2012): Vol 3, N° 5 (2012): La democrazia, i giovani, il Mediterraneo
Il saggio

Una falsa democrazia: governabilità <em>vs</em> rappresentatività

Published 2012-08-02


  • Italia; rappresentanza; democrazia

How to Cite

Levi, G. (2012). Una falsa democrazia: governabilità <em>vs</em> rappresentatività. SocietàMutamentoPolitica, 3(5), 227–236. https://doi.org/10.13128/SMP-11263


The belief, turned in gloomy reality in the Italian society, that governability it is more important that representativeness, contributes to weaken democracy. In the long run, the same goal of governability can be jeopardized by it. A feeling of disaffection toward a politics more and more driven by professionals and leaders and less and less based upon citizen participation is arising. Nowadays this trend has grown reaching a critical point, rooted also in the historical dualism between State and society, that traditionally characterizes Italian politics.


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