Vol. 3 No. 5 (2012): Vol 3, N° 5 (2012): La democrazia, i giovani, il Mediterraneo

I giovani dell’Europa meridionale e gli atteggiamenti verso la democrazia: 1985-2001

Published 2012-08-02

How to Cite

Maggini, N. (2012). I giovani dell’Europa meridionale e gli atteggiamenti verso la democrazia: 1985-2001. SocietàMutamentoPolitica, 3(5), 135–156. https://doi.org/10.13128/SMP-11257


This article aims to analyze the relationship between young people and democracy in four countries of southern Europe (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain) in the 1985-2001 period, using data from Eurobarometer. Attitudes towards the functioning of democracy are the focal theme of the analysis.


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