Vol. 2 No. 4 (2011): Vol 2, N° 4 (2011): L’agire affettivo. Le forme dell’amore nelle scienze sociali

L’amore fra Prima e Seconda Repubblica. La politica degli affetti e gli affetti (ed effetti) nella politica

Published 2012-03-05


  • love,
  • politics,
  • parties,
  • First Republic

How to Cite

Tonelli, A. (2012). L’amore fra Prima e Seconda Repubblica. La politica degli affetti e gli affetti (ed effetti) nella politica. SocietàMutamentoPolitica, 2(4), 177–190. https://doi.org/10.13128/SMP-10611


In the so-called “Party Republic”, that is the First Republic, feelings, affections and love were relegated to the private sphere. Today things are different. Love in politics is no longer a taboo, not only in the use of the word, but as a means of promoting the public arena. Since the early 80’s a show policy has been established in which the private sector has become one of the most used and abused regarding image and the personalization of leaders.


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