Vol. 2 No. 4 (2011): Vol 2, N° 4 (2011): L’agire affettivo. Le forme dell’amore nelle scienze sociali

Legami di coppia e affettività. Dall’amore romantico alla relazione pura

Published 2012-03-05


  • famiglia,
  • matrimonio,
  • genere,
  • affettività,
  • ruoli

How to Cite

Biancheri, R. (2012). Legami di coppia e affettività. Dall’amore romantico alla relazione pura. SocietàMutamentoPolitica, 2(4), 115–136. https://doi.org/10.13128/SMP-10608


In this paper we examine the changes that have characterized bonds between couples and affectivity, through the contributions of classical as well as contemporary sociologists. Starting from the family as a social institution, we go on to an examination of transformations in intimacy and in relations of negotiation, with an eye towards interdisciplinary contributions.


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