Vol. 1 No. 1 (2010): Vol 1, N° 1 (2010): L'Europa che verrà

Eurogames. Scenari per il futuro dell’Europa

Published 2010-05-21


  • Europe,
  • change,
  • scenarios,
  • representations

How to Cite

Cotesta, V. (2010). Eurogames. Scenari per il futuro dell’Europa. SocietàMutamentoPolitica, 1(1), 217–231. https://doi.org/10.13128/SMP-8471


In the last few years a growing feeling of estrangement has become noticeable among the peoples of Europe towards the EU. Research projects (such as the ‘Debomy Report’ and the Eurobarometer) highlight a negative, or at least a non-positive, perception of the European Union by citizens of member states. This negative view has recently been strengthened by the nomination of political personalities of inadequate standing as President of the Union, as High Commissioner for Foreign Policy and as members of the Commission.
The negative representations of the European Union are the starting point in the construction of the future scenarios of Europe put forward by the author. Imagining four strategic moves (one constructed on the perception of European peoples; two on hypothesis set forth by scholars; another one – Turkey’s request of adhesion to the EU – already present in Europe’s agenda), the author analyzes the possible consequences for Europe and for its role in a globalized world. The first move is the exit of the UK from the Union and its adhesion to the United States; the second is the adhesion of Russia to the European Union; the third the adhesion of Turkey; the forth the adhesion of Maghrebian countries to the Union. Each move determines new scenarios for Europe as well as for the global context. According to the author, imagining such scenarios is a useful way of reasoning on the future role of Europe and try to recover the true meaning of the European project, as imagined by its founding fathers, thus reacting against the neo-nationalistic insurgence which is taking Europe towards its own catastrophe.


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