Block extractivism: dynamics of territorial resistance and resources appropriation in Lac-Saint-Jean area (Québec, Canada)

Published 2022-02-25
- extractivism,
- territorial appropriation,
- local power,
- hydroelectricity,
- Québec
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This paper focuses on territorial recomposition in Canadian rural areas generated by the evolution of power balances among local actors, civil society and public authorities, and exogenous powers. In a postcolonial context, the economic development model of Canadian peripheral areas remains strongly influenced by the power of extractivist companies, intensively exploiting natural resources for export. Such extractivist business is detrimental to local communities and their life environment built into complex socio-natural relationships. What we want to show is that local (counter)powers, emerging during social mobilizations against extractivism, may generate alternative development trajectories, respectful with territorial environments and their socio-natural relationships. The case study we develop is about the region of Lac-Saint-Jean in Quebec Province and hydroelectric resource. We will focus on two projects, one generated by a community resistance against large hydroelectric dams, the other by an inter-ethnic public partnership for the development of mini-power plants.