2020: Living the territories at CoViD time (special issue)
Special issue section 1 - Epidemics, global urbanization and climate change

Se il pianeta è malato lo saremo anche noi: crisi climatica, ambientale e sanitaria

Published 2020-10-18


  • health emergency,
  • environmental emergency,
  • ecological interconnections,
  • emergency responses,
  • long-term strategies

How to Cite

Marcalli, L. (2020). Se il pianeta è malato lo saremo anche noi: crisi climatica, ambientale e sanitaria. Scienze Del Territorio, 29–32. https://doi.org/10.13128/sdt-12137


It is widely known that all environmental alterations have an interconnected role which, sooner or later, directly or indirectly affects the health of humanity. However, the fundamental inactivity of politics and economy in countering this drift makes things worse, with the growing risk of triggering brutal and irreversible changes in the Earth-system. Ironically, the global health emergency has shown that rapid and radical choices can generate immediate positive effects in environmental terms: think of the drastic reduction in climate-altering emissions caused by the lockdown. Thus, such forced response indicates, perhaps, the way to more reflective strategies able to teach us (again) to live in harmony with nature.


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