7 (2010)

Fatti e misfatti su un manoscritto dei <em>Trionfi</em> (New York, Morgan Library, ms. M. 427)

Published 2013-01-30


  • Francesco Petrarca,
  • Trionfi

How to Cite

Guerrini Ferri, G. (2013). Fatti e misfatti su un manoscritto dei <em>Trionfi</em> (New York, Morgan Library, ms. M. 427). Scrineum Rivista, 7(7), 35–48. https://doi.org/10.13128/Scrineum-12143


This article, concerning ms. M.427 of the Morgan Library of New York, intends to clear up the reasons why many people, in the past and today, think it is a fake. The origin of this mistake’s is its 1904 facsimile, but it is not diffucult to show that the auctors of this facsimile are guilty of having made a dubious publishing operation, rather than a fake.


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