Vol. 70 No. 3 (2015)
Saggi e Ricerche

Congiunzione nei fattori e congiunzione sequenziale nei siti foraggeri

Published 2016-04-08


  • migratory beekeeping,
  • forage sites,
  • pollination services,
  • jointness in input

How to Cite

Pilati, L., & Prestamburgo, M. (2016). Congiunzione nei fattori e congiunzione sequenziale nei siti foraggeri. Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA), 70(3), 311–326. https://doi.org/10.13128/REA-18166


The migratory beekeeper follows the seasonal progression of flowering, moving bee colonies from one forage site to another. Migratory management of bee colonies offers the possibility of integrating two sources of income: the provision of commercial pollination services and the production of honey. There are numerous forage areas suitable for accommodating the bee colonies at each stage of migration, differing according to the location and the type of plants which cover them. The beekeeper therefore needs to address and resolve the problem of locating a sequence of forage sites to be followed throughout the migration. Given the seasonability of the crops produced on the forage areas, the analysis on the jointness in input may be carried out on two levels. On the first level, it is considered the single forage area, on the second level the sequence of forage areas.


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