Opus Incertum-Call for Papers 2020


Construction Techniques and Writings on Architecture in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe, edited by Caterina Cardamone, Pieter Martens.

The 2020 issue of the journal Opus Incertum aims to examine, through selected case studies, the complex relationship between construction practices and architectural writings in early modern Europe. 

Although the literature on architectural treatises is vast, the complicated connections between the written page on the one hand and the building site on the other have received comparatively little attention. Situated at the crossroads of several disciplines (architectural history, history of science and technology, history of literature), the subject can be approached from different perspectives.

05/01/2019: deadline for submission of abstract of your proposal (max 1000 words)

20/01/2019: notification of acceptance of pre-selected contributions

20/05/2019: deadline for submission of your paper (max 8,000 words)

Send your proposal to the following e-mail address, specifying in the object “CfP Opus Incertum 2020 – Paper proposal” to our Editor in Chief: Gianluca Belli: gianluca.belli@unifi.it

Please click here for more detail: English

Please click here for Guidelines: Instructions for Authors