Published 2019-05-31
- chest injury,
- situs inversus totalis,
- embryology
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Situs inversus totalis is a congenital condition characterized by the transposition of the thoracic and abdominal organs to the opposite side of the body. Situs inversus totalis is typically asymptomatic, however, these individuals are susceptible to certain defects and malformations such as vascular anomalies and mal-positioned viscera, which can result in a shortened lifespan. There are reports on penetrating abdominal injury in patients with situs inversus. In addition, the presence of pathology of thoracic and abdominal organs in situs inversus patients have been reported. However, from the literature reviewed, there is a paucity of reports on penetrating chest injuries in patients with situs inversus. Hence, we present a case of a patient who presented with a stab chest with situs inversus totalis and a brief discussion on the embryology of the condition.