Vol 121, No 2 (2016)
Original Article

A rare anomaly of the human spleen with nine notches associated with multiple accessory spleens. A case study, hypothesis on origin and review of clinical significance

Published 2016-06-20


  • spleen,
  • splenic notch,
  • accessory spleen,
  • anatomy

How to Cite

Pathirana, T. I., Barton, M. J., George, M., Forwood, M. R., & Palagama, S. P. (2016). A rare anomaly of the human spleen with nine notches associated with multiple accessory spleens. A case study, hypothesis on origin and review of clinical significance. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, 121(2), 188–197. Retrieved from https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/ijae/article/view/1481


In humans, the spleen is the body’s largest secondary lymphoid organ and filterer of blood. The trabeculated structure of the spleen, which is formed in its early embryonic development, provides its three-dimensional framework designed to remove senescent erythrocytes and eliminate blood-borne microorganisms and/or dubious antigens. At a later date this lobulated framework can develop into notches which usually manifest along its anterior (superior) border. This study addresses the clinical significance and developmental basis of both numerous notches and multiple accessory spleens observed in a male human cadaver. The nine notches were all observed on the anterior and inferior borders, whilst the accessory spleens numbered four, with two localized at the splenic hilum and the other two upon the splenorenal and splenocolic ligaments respectively. In the present study, we propose an aetiological origin for the anomalous multi-notches and accessory spleens, which will provide primary benefit for surgeons and radiologists because of clinical significance.