Vol. 123, No. 1 (Supplement) 2018
Supplement abstract

A brief anatomo-surgical dissection guide to the human neck: results of a collaboration between the University of Palermo and the University of Malta

Francesco Carini
Sezione Di Anatomia, Università Degli Studi, Palermo, Italia
Giovanni Tomasello
Sezione Di Anatomia, Università Degli Studi, Palermo, Italia
Serena Nobile
Sezione Di Anatomia, Scuola Di Medicina, Palermo, Italia
Margherita Mazzola
Sezione Di Anatomia, Scuola Di Medicina, Palermo, Italia
Giorgia Cavallo
Sezione Di Anatomia, Scuola Di Medicina, Palermo, Italia
Stefania Gentile
Sezione Di Anatomia, Scuola Di Medicina, Palermo, Italia
Sofia Musso
Sezione Di Anatomia, Scuola Di Medicina, Palermo, Italia
Stefania D’Accardo2
Sezione Di Anatomia, Scuola Di Medicina, Palermo, Italia
Alessia La Mantia
Sezione Di Anatomia, Scuola Di Medicina, Palermo, Italia
Francesca Rappa
Sezione Di Anatomia, Università Degli Studi, Palermo, Italia
Fabio Bucchieri
Sezione Di Anatomia, Università Degli Studi, Palermo, Italia
Felicia Farina
Sezione Di Anatomia, Università Degli Studi, Palermo, Italia
Christian Zammit
Anatomy, University Of Malta, Msida, Malta
Cristoforo Pomara
Anatomy, University Of Malta, Msida, Malta
Francesco Cappello
Sezione Di Anatomia, Università Degli Studi, Palermo, Italia

Published 2018-12-30


  • Cadaveric study,
  • surgical dissection course,
  • topographical anatomy

How to Cite

Carini, F., Tomasello, G., Nobile, S., Mazzola, M., Cavallo, G., Gentile, S., Musso, S., D’Accardo2, S., La Mantia, A., Rappa, F., Bucchieri, F., Farina, F., Zammit, C., Pomara, C., & Cappello, F. (2018). A brief anatomo-surgical dissection guide to the human neck: results of a collaboration between the University of Palermo and the University of Malta. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, 123(1), 43. https://doi.org/10.13128/ijae-11332


The aim of this work was to offer a guide to young students and medical doctors that want to learn the bases of neck dissection.

In the summer of 2017 a group of students from the University of Palermo that had already passed the Human Anatomy exams took a 4 weeks dissection course at the University of Malta. The students were provided with a dissection kit, video recording equipment and cameras for taking pictures.

Medicine is a science that requires both a practical and theoretical approach, and the last one, unfortunately, often is not valued by our University. Studying Human Anatomy, which is the basis for a doctor’s education, exclusively through books and atlases, is indeed partially lacking. For this reason a group of students from the University of Palermo have been selected, based on their academic scores and English proficiency, to take part in an anatomic dissection course at the University of Malta.

The course took place in the university’s dissection hall. The students spent their time dis- secting, analyzing and separating the various anatomical structures under the supervision of tutors from both universities.

The dissections were preceded by a thorough review of the anatomy of the neck, using books and atlases for a recognition of the correct anatomical planes. The anatomical limits of the neck allow it to be distinguished from the head and thorax. Superiorly, in an anterior-pos- terior direction, the limits are the mandibular profile, the auricular back line and the superi- or nucal line. Inferiorly, in an anterior-posterior direction, the limits are the jugular notch, the superior border of the clavicle and the spinous process of C7.

This experience has given excellent results and we hope to make further collaborations with the University of Malta in the future.


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