Vol. 21 No. 1 (2017): Spostamento
Lungo la strada

Architettura di comunicazione. Cavalli alati, cani a sei zampe e gatti selvatici lungo il “bordo stradale”

Published 2017-09-15

How to Cite

Cerri, S. (2017). Architettura di comunicazione. Cavalli alati, cani a sei zampe e gatti selvatici lungo il “bordo stradale”. Firenze Architettura, 21(1), 138–145. https://doi.org/10.13128/FiAr-21068


During the first years of the 20th century service stations and petrol pumps with strange shapes appear on the landscape of American roads. Six-legged dogs, wild cats and serpents inhabit gas stations, housing a fantastic bestiary that links art to the first experiments in advertising communication. Artists and graphic designers that are still linked to the world of the  affiche combine progress and colours in the first experiments in coordinated image and the motorways become the testing ground for a strategy that integrates architecture and advertising.


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