Vol. 28 No. 1 (2024): terra

Emre Arolat Architecture. Moschea Sancaklar, Istanbul, Turchia

Published 2024-10-15


  • Emre Arolat Architecture,
  • Sancaklar Mosque,
  • Islamic culture,
  • Contemporary architecture,
  • Places of worship

How to Cite

Delledonne, N. (2024). Emre Arolat Architecture. Moschea Sancaklar, Istanbul, Turchia. Firenze Architettura, 28(1), 72–83. https://doi.org/10.36253/FiA-15726


La moschea Sancaklar a Istanbul scompare nella terra per inserirsi nel paesaggio che la ospita. Le sue forme essenziali rafforzano la devozione religiosa e favoriscono l’introspezione personale. I materiali, assieme al gioco di luci e ombre, ne costituiscono l’unica decorazione. La sua concezione architettonica offre un’alternativa alla tradizione divenuta abitudine.

The Sancaklar mosque in Istanbul disappears into the earth to become part of the landscape in which it stands. Its simple forms foster religious devotion and encourage introspection. The materials of which it is made, together with the play of light and shadow, constitute its only decoration. Its architectural approach offers an alternative to a tradition that has become custom.


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