Beatrice, a degree in Physics at the age of 19 at the time of Garbasso Massimo Mazzoni, Alberto Righini, Piero Mazzinghi 5-22 PDF
Topological properties of gauge theories and their applications to high-energy and condensed-matter physics AAVV AAVV 23-25 PDF
The search for life in the Solar System passes through the Astrobiology Laboratory of the INAF-Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory Teresa Fornaro, John Robert Brucato 31-40 PDF
PLATO and Ariel, the next medium-class Missions of the ESA’s roadmap on the discovery and characterization of exoplanets from space: the contribution of INAF-OAA Mauro Focardi 41-48 PDF
The INAF-Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory contribution to SKA-Low: technology and first observations Giulia Macario, Carlo Baffa, Carolina Belli, Pietro Bolli, Simone Chiarucci, Giovanni Comoretto, Paola Di Ninni, Elisabetta Giani, Georgios Kyriakou 49-60 PDF