V. 2 N. 2 (2012): W.B. Yeats: Visions, Revisions, New Visions, edited by Arianna Antonielli and Fiorenzo Fantaccini
Letteratura, linguistica e arti visive / Literature, Language, and Visual Arts

«Mi par di trovarmi di fronte a un fatto nuovo letterario»: Carlo Linati alla scoperta di James Joyce

Pubblicato 2013-03-07

Come citare

Pasquero, M. (2013). «Mi par di trovarmi di fronte a un fatto nuovo letterario»: Carlo Linati alla scoperta di James Joyce. Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 2(2), 199–254. https://doi.org/10.13128/SIJIS-2239-3978-12424


Carlo Linati was Joyce’s first translator into Italian. The two writers started corresponding in 1918 and kept in touch throughout the 1930s. They only met once in 1930 in Paris. Joyce had a high opinion of Linati, but – after his «gran rifiuto» concerning Ulysses – their paths separated. Nevertheless Linati did devote his last years to translating Dubliners and Stephen Hero. The essay reconstructs their long relationship by means of rare unpublished documents and letters.


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