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Lista di controllo per la predisposizione di una proposta

Durante la procedura di trasmissione di una proposta, gli autori devono verificare il rispetto dei seguenti requisiti; la submission potrebbe essere rifiutata se non aderisce a queste richieste.

  • Accessible and inclusive publishing: The manuscript adheres to requirements outlined in the "The Creating Accessible Content Guide"
    This guide will be useful for authors in preparation of their manuscripts and for editors in formatting materials for publication and adding content to journal websites. Carefully read the Guide here.

Linee guida per gli autori

Studi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies
Quaderni di Studi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies (QuaSi)

Style Sheet for Contributors 2016-2017

The Style Sheet guidelines are intended to help contributors with formatting and other editing tasks prior to submission toStudi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies (SIJIS) <>.
By following these general rules of thumb, each work will be published more rapidly.
Questions may be directed to the Journal Manager, Dr. Arianna Antonielli, or to the General Editor Dr. Fiorenzo Fantaccini at the following e-mail address: <>


- Contributors are invited to submit their articles via email (<>) in an attached file (file name: CONTRIBUTORSURNAME_SIJIS4_date). The email subject line should be: SIJIS3 + Contributor’s Surname + Date (day/month/year).

- Please, note that the journal publishes mostly articles written in Italian and English. Articles written in any language will be evaluated by the Editorial Board on a singular basis.

- The final version of any article should be in .doc o .docx format. NO .odt!

- Recommended length for articles: 8,000-10,000 words including notes and bibliography.

Each submission should include:

a) Title of the contribution

b) Contributor’s name and surname

c) Institutional affiliation

d) Email address

e) A short abstract detailing the crux of the research (max. 800 characters, including spaces) and a list of five keywords, in English; a short title language to be used as head of the page.

f) a biographical note (max 300 characters, including spaces);

g) Margins should be 1" all around (about 2.5 cm).

h) Page numbers (Garamond 8 point, next to the right margin) are required on every page, inside the margin space. Number pages consecutively.


- Article title: Garamond 18 point, normal, centered.

- Contributors’ Names: Garamond 11 point, normal, centered.

- Headings: Garamond 11, italics, left justification. Headings must be preceded by a roman numeral in progressive order. One blank line is required before and after Level 1 and 2 headings.

- Body Text: Garamond 11 point, normal, fully justified. The first line of each paragraph should be in indented 0,6 cm.

- Do not indent first line of article and sections and lines following block quotes. No gap between paragraphs. The text should not be hyphenated.

- Line spacing: Single space.

- Word Spacing: Single space between words and sentences. A single space after the punctuation marks, but no white space before the punctuation marks, except for dashes and brackets. Do not use white spaces within brackets or quotation marks


Yes        No      Yes       No

(text) ( text ) ‘text’ ‘ text ’

- Do not use tabs and spaces to align the text. Use the word processing program’s indent features.

- Do not embed hyperlinks (links to websites) in the text.

- Do not indent first line of article and of sections and lines following block quotes.

Figures, Tables, and Graphs

- Images must be at least 300 dpi (this is a resolution setting) at 100% of its physical size and not copyrighted.

- Figures lifted from websites are not suitable for publication because the resolution is too low for high-quality printing, as in a book. If you find a graphic or photograph on a website you must contact the administrators of the site and obtain the original or a high-resolution version of the graphic or photograph for submission.

- Figures should be saved in .jpg or .eps.

- Tables in Word or Excel format.

- Graphs in .eps or Excel format.

- Use the Garamond font for any words, letters, or numbers in your figures.

- All figures and tables must be numbered in the correct order and also saved as separate files in an attached file submitted to BSFM with the final version of your article.

- File names should read as follows:

e.g. CONTRIBUTOR’S SURNAME_lea1_figure1.jpg

e.g. CONTRIBUTOR’S SURNAME_leaN_table3.xls

- Please include your figure and table titles in the text, not in the table or figure file itself.

- Each figure and table must be followed, in Garamond 8 point, its title, source (url) and a synthetic description if necessary. - There is no period at the end of the table or figure title. Neither tables nor figures have captions.

Quotations longer than 50 words are left indented 0,6 cm, without quotation marks, Garamond 10 point, normal, fully justified. Block quotes should be preceded and followed by one blank line (Garamond 11).

References, if recurrent, are made within the text and placed within parentheses containing the author’s or editor’s surname followed by the date of publication with no comma between them, and the page(s) from which the quotation is taken with a comma and a space between the year of publication and the page number(s).
e.g. (Barton 2004, 130-147).

- If the text already includes the author's name or the date of publication, that information must not be repeated in the parentheses. (i.e.: 2000, 147; McLoone, 147)

- Omissions within quoted text are indicated thus:
e.g. In The Trembling of the Veil (1922-1923), Yeats claimed: “I delighted in every age where poets and artists confined themselves gladly to some inherited subject-matter [...]” (10)

- When several authors are cited in parenthetical documentation, references should be arranged chronologically and separated by a semicolon:
e.g. (McLoone 2000; Pettitt 2000; Barton and Harvey 2004).

- If you need to insert something within a quotation, use square brackets to enclose the addition.

Use single inverted comma for a quotation within a quotation:
e.g. “There is some evidence, certainly, that the role of humanitarian reformer that Clym was called upon to play was not an altogether natural extension of his personality. ‘The humblest walk of life would satisfy him,’ Hardy was to report”.

- Punctuation marks must be placed after the quotation marks (“ ”.), but the symbols for interrogation or exclamation intrinsic to the quote’s meaning should be kept within the quotation marks (“ ?”; “ !”).

- When referencing classic verse, plays and poems, use a slash with a space on each side to show where a new line begins. Verse quotations longer than three lines should be left indented 0,6 cm, without quotation marks and written in subsequent lines (Garamond, 10 point, normal).

There, through bewildered branches, go
Winged Loves borne on in gentle strife
Tossing and tossing to and fro
The flaming circle of our life.

Use single quotation marks to highlight single words.

e.g. This movie director is a ‘dog’.


- Footnotes are not used to give credit to sources of any material borrowed, summarized or paraphrased on the text. They are only intended to give additional information about topics with its related references:
i.e. 1 McLoone further discusses the topic ..... in order to.... (McLoone 2000, 10).

Text Types

- Use italics:

a) To emphasize words or short sentences, only when necessary, e.g. These rules do not apply to newspaper writing. b) Always in case of:

- foreign words, e.g. His original Weltanschauung proved to be ... .

- titles of books.

- Use double inverted commas (“ ”):

a) Short stories, poems, songs.

b) Titles of sections within the same volume.

c) Titles of single essays within miscellaneous collections.

d) For an odd or ironic usage the first time but not thereafter, for example, "This is the "good-outcome" variable, but as it turns out, the good-outcome variable predicts trouble later on . . ."

- Write foreign words of common usage in Roman type (=in tondo), as well as names of associations, institutions etc. e.g. École Pratique des Hautes Études.

- Do not use underlining or bold within the text.

- Capitalization and upper case are to be used only if necessary.

Apex: Write numbers related to footnotes in apex after the punctuation mark.

Pages Numbering: Numbers are to be inserted at the top of the page, on the right, Garamond, 9, point, normal.

Sections: Number sections as follows: e.g. 1., 2., ...;
e.g. 1.1, 1.2, ...;
e.g. 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ... ;


- A list of works cited must be provided at the end of articles.

- References should be arranged in alphabetical order, Garamond 10 point, fully justified.

- Entries must be provided in the original language of the quoted volume or article (and translated into the text language), as well as “ed./s” (It.: “a cura di”; Germ.: “hrsg.”; “edité par”; “ed. a cargo de”, etc.), names of cities (it.: “Firenze”; Engl.: “Florence”; Germ.: “Florenz”; Fr. “Florence; Sp. “Florencia”, etc.), and publishing houses.

- Each entry in the bibliography should observe the following format:

a. Books:

e.g. Talbert E.W . (1962), The Problem of Order, Chapel Hill, University of California Press.

e.g. Saggini Francesca (2009), “Between Creation and Reception: Stage Appropriation as a Textual Practice”, in Claudia Corti, Vito Cavone, Mariastellla Trulli (eds), Forms of Migration. Migration of Forms, Bari, Progedit, 35-47.

c. Articles in journals:

e.g. Clegg Jeanne (2008), “Popular Law Enforcement in Moll Flanders Practice”, Textus 3, 523-546.

- When reference is made to an edition other than the first, the date of the first edition should be indicated within square brackets, e.g. Burke Peter (1990 [1978]), Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe, Aldershot, Ashgate.

- In the case of more than one title by the same author, items should be ordered chronologically.

- Use ibidem when the same work is consecutively repeated in text and/or footnotes, within the same page.

- Use “––” when the same author/editor is consecutively repeated in the References Section.

Please note that:

- In the works cited list, surnames should not be written in block capitals. For double names only initials are required.

- When an author has published more than one work in the same year, small letters (a, b, c) follow the date of publication.

- Material found on the Internet: if an article has been viewed or downloaded from an on-line journal, the name of the journal is written in italics, followed by its URL (no underlining or blue), and the date of access (month/year).

e.g. <> (08/2012).


- Specify the language of your text in your .doc dictionary, in order to verify spelling and to hyphenate words. - For texts written in English: use either UK English or US English, being consistent throughout.

E-mail address:

<>. The email subject line should be: SIJIS3 + Contributor’s Surname. + Date (day/month/year).

Site link:

Informativa sulla privacy

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.