Vol. 9 No. 9 (2019): Whose Homelands? Fictions, Facts and Questions of the Irish Diaspora
Sezione monografica / Monographic Section

Irish Diaspora Politics: The West Riding of Yorkshire, 1879-1886

Andrew Maguire
Laboratorio editoriale OA / Dip. LILSI

Published 2019-06-11

How to Cite

Maguire, A. (2019). Irish Diaspora Politics: The West Riding of Yorkshire, 1879-1886. Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 9(9), 205–228. https://doi.org/10.13128/SIJIS-2239-3978-25514


This article seeks to explore the Irish migrants’ political experience within the geographical confines of the West Riding of Yorkshire during several key election campaigns during the period 1879-86. The focus will be on the constitutional, or moral force, philosophy of Irish nationalism in its diasporic/external context. The central aim is to explore how Irish migrants engaged in political activism in the pursuit of legislative independence for the homeland under the banner of Irish Home Rule. Attention will focus on specific parliamentary election contests where Irish Home Rule became the dominant platform. This will be achieved through an analysis of the Home Rule Confederation & Irish National Leagues of Great Britain and its activities as a political “fifth column” operating in the industrial heartlands of Yorkshire.


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