Documenti sonori fra conservazione e utilizzo
Published 2009-11-04
How to Cite
Rodà, A. (2009). Varianti d’autore: Invenzioni su una voce di Bruno Maderna. Musica/Tecnologia, 3(3), 71–97.
Author’s variants: Invenzioni su una voce by Bruno MadernaThe analogue audio documents, containing the Electronic works of the second half of the XX Century, are often the result of a transmission process whose phe-nomenology, although it presents some peculiarities, shows analogies with the tex-tual tradition. In this context, Dimensioni II. Invenzione su una voce by Bruno Mad-erna is an interesting case study: the more than twenty reviewed sources, which are different for duration, content, and recording format; the existence of at least five author’s variants; the many relations among the Helm’s text, the Berberian’s per-formance, the electronic elaborations, and the tape editing process require edition criteria able to render the tradition of the work in its complex articulation. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the audio sources of Invenzione su una voce, based on a deep knowledge of the electronic “writing system”, by mean of which the work has been generated.
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