Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024)
Activity Reports

From star clusters to field populations: survived, destroyed and migrated clusters

Published 2024-10-04


  • star clusters,
  • kinematics and dynamics,
  • galaxy evolution,
  • stellar populations

How to Cite

AAVV. (2024). From star clusters to field populations: survived, destroyed and migrated clusters. Il Colle Di Galileo, 13(2), 43–44. Retrieved from https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/cdg/article/view/15668


Cluster formation: star formation models, spatial and temporal variation of the rate of cluster formation

Cluster demographics: the Gaia mission, new identification techniques based on artificial intelligence, description of new samples, complete characterisation of existing samples; presence of halo and tidal tails in clusters.

Cluster disruption and stellar migration: cluster disruption models, role of stellar migration in the redistribution of populations, chemical and kinematic evidence of radial and vertical displacement, differences between field stars and clusters, numerical models of cluster migration and disruption rates.

Clusters in current and  next generation  instruments/surveys: what are the key open questions that we could tackle with the next generation of instruments and surveys, e.g., WEAVE@WHT, 4MOST@VISTA, MOONS@VLT.