Vol. 5 No. 5 (2015): From the Frontiers of Writing: Pol/Ir/ish Intertexts, edited by Fiorenzo Fantaccini, Luigi Marinelli
Voci / Voices

Mary Dorcey: The Poet’s Gaze and Scalpel

Maria Coppola
BSFM: Laboratorio editoriale OA (Responsabile)

Published 2015-06-19

How to Cite

Coppola, M. (2015). Mary Dorcey: The Poet’s Gaze and Scalpel. Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 5(5), 225–236. https://doi.org/10.13128/SIJIS-2239-3978-16347


Precision, vividness and colour characterise Mary Dorcey’s representations of individual and yet universal human experiences, such as love, loss, or grief. These are used like a surgeon’s scalpel: to frame, look inside, and closely observe sections of the individual’s body, and life. As we can see from the selection of poetic and prose texts presented here (alongside their translations into Italian), Dorcey cuts the skin of common definitions of private places and feelings (home, love, and grief). She looks at them from uncommon perspectives, bears witness to them, and gains insight from them. These and other issues are discussed in the interview, which is a revised version of a conversation that took place in Bologna (Italy) in November 2014.

