Published 2014-02-26
- aesthetics of music,
- success
How to Cite
Vizzardelli, S. (2014). La riuscita musicale. Viaggio tra estetica e psicoanalisi. Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi dell’estetico, 6(3), 317–329.
The focus of this paper is the topic of musical success and, more generally, of aesthetic success. Within the analytic aesthetics, the need to shift the musical experience on two floors, on two levels, it is increasingly evident. Sometimes, as in the case of those theories that defend a form of ontological realism, this dislocation ends up sacrificing the notion of experience. Can you speak of success within a theory of experience? In order to answer the question this paper attempts to create a dialogue between aesthetics and psychoanalysis.Metrics
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