Vol. 6 No. 3 (2013): Vol 6 (2013) Special Issue – Ontologie musicali

Si può interpretare la musica elettroacustica?

Published 2014-02-26


  • musical work,
  • performance,
  • interpretation,
  • electroacoustic music

How to Cite

Maestri, E. (2014). Si può interpretare la musica elettroacustica?. Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi dell’estetico, 6(3), 173–193. https://doi.org/10.13128/Aisthesis-14101


Stephen Davies distinguishes two kinds of musical works: works for performance and works that are not for performance. He argues that electroacoustic music belongs to the latter kind. I will question this distinction by considering the case of electroacoustic music. Granted that electroacoustic music is played in concert, is this a case of presentation of a musical work, as Davies holds? I will argue that the musical act of sound engineers can be seen as an interpretative activity. I will try to understand the object of this interpretation, proposing a possible reformulation of Davies' categorisation.


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